If not specified they could have random values. Embedded liner element coupling spring properties in side 2 were not being initialized properly.The constitutive models affected are FINN, PLASTIC-HARDENING using the small strain option, and IMASS. This means some models would not be restored to the exact same state they were in when saved. An error in how internal state data assiciated with some constitutive models was discovered and fixed.Updated interface node criteria for being in contact, if in tension and a non-zero tension limit was specified.Fix bug in zone field variable system when a specific component is retrieved from a vector type.Fix possible cell space errors when applied to PFC wall vertex spatial searches.Fix bug in restoration of a zone history if the target was deleted or nulled and then was restored.The history name logic was not scaling well. Fix the time it takes to create a great number of histories.Fix save/restore error in structural shell histories of stresses or stress resultants.FLAC3D Theory and Background FLAC3D 6.0 64-bit Update